Torey Pudwill: Big Bang

Hi guys,

This is one of my favourite Torey Pudwill´s videos. Even people who say that Torey Pudwill don´t skate well had enjoy watching this video.I hope you enjoy it 😉

Buenas chicos:

Este es uno de mis videos favoritos de Torey Pudwill. Hasta gente que dice que Torey Pudwill no patina bien le ha gustado este video. Espero que os guste 😉

Nijah Huston: Fade to black

Hi guys,

These is the last video Nijah Huston has done, in my opinion is one of the best he has done also with “Rise up” ,I hope you enjoy it 😉

Buenas chicos:

Este es el ultímo video que ha subido Nijah Huston, desde mi punto de vista es uno de los mejores que ha hecho hasta ahora junto a “Rise up”, espero que os guste 😉

Seville has style

Hi guys,

This is a spot I found in Seville while I was there with my cousin and some friends. One of my friends showed to me this spot that is really awesome when you see it. I took the pic to a friend on his first try. If you look at the bar you will see that they are perfectly located to grind, so if you are in Seville and you get bored of the skatepark you should go look for spots 😉

Buenas chicos:

Este spot lo encontre en Sevilla cuando estuve alli con mi primo y unos amigos. Un amigo me enseño este spot que es realmente increible cuando lo ves. Yo heché la foto a un amigo cuando le dio a la primera. Si te fijas en la barra esta puesta perfectamente para grindarla, asi que si estás en Sevilla y te aburres del skatepark ve a buscar spots 😉Spot sevilla

Skating on Damns

Hi guys,

This is a photo I found surfing on the net made in Italy when a pro skater came there and founded this Spot on a Damn not far from “La toscana” is name is Paul Rodriguez (P-Rod).This is photo made by one of his admirors that followed him and took the pic on the right moment, I hope you enjoy it 😉

Buenas chicos:

Esta foto la encontre mientras surfeaba la red está hecha en Italia cuando un pro skater encontró este Spot en una presa no muy lejos de “la Toscana”.Esta foto está hecha por un admirador suyo que le seguia hechandole fotos donde podia y pudo hechar esta en el momento exacto, espero que os guste 😉

skateboard xdxdxd

Miño´s style

Hi guys,

Not long time ago my aunt send me this photo for my blog, as she knows that I love skateboarding and I have a blog about Spots. She told there are many quarterpipes like this in many places in Miño (Galicia,Spain). So if any one is going to visit Miño don´t forget your skateboard 😉

Buenas chicos:

Hace poco mi tia me mando esta foto para mi blog, ella sabe que me encanta patinar y que tengo un blog sobre spots. Me dijo tambien que habia muchos cuarter pipes como este en muchas partes de Miño (Galicia,España). Pues que sepais si vais a visitar Miño que no se os olvide el patin 😉


Urban Style

Hi guys,

Not a long time ago a friend of mine has send me a photo of a new spot he discovered while he was hiking on the mountains in the north of France, I don´t know were exactly but if no one has seen it before seems to be very hidden. I hope you like it 😉

Buenas chicos,

Hace poco un amigo mio me ha mandado una foto de un spot que ha descubierto mientras paseaba por las montañas por el norte de España, No se donde exactamente pero que nunca lo haya visto nadie me dice que esta muy escondido. Espero que os guste 😉

spot oculto

Coast time

Hi guys,

This is my first post on my blog, I´ve been looking for spots in some thrasher magazines until I´ve found this one that I´ve really like it. It is on the coast near Miami I don´t know were exactly but the picture have been taken from a thrasher photographer and the skater´s name is Andrew Collins with his 8 stairs Ollie.

Buenas chicos:

Este es mi primer post en mi blog. He estado buscando buenos spots en diferentes revistas de thrasher hasta que he encontrado este que me ha encantado. La foto esta echa en la costa cerca de Miami no se donde exactamente pero la foto la ha hecho un fotografo de thrasher y el nombre del skater es Andrew Collins con este pedazo de Ollie en 8 pedazos de escalones.
